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This tender calls for a qualified consultancy to undertake a review of CARE Denmark’s exciting new work with climate innovation. Under the current Strategic Partnership Agreement (SPA) with Danish MFA, CARE Denmark, has embarked on an entirely new programmatic approach to climate adaptation focusing on human-centred design (HCD) and multi-stakeholder innovation. The ambition is to facilitate local ideation resulting in scalable and climate-smart solutions that are rooted in viable business models for the benefit of the world’s most climate-vulnerable populations.

CARE currently implements climate innovation programmes in the Sahel (Niger, Burkina Faso) East Africa & Horn (Somalia, Ethiopia, Uganda), and South Asia (Bangladesh). In addition, we engage key players in the sector including the World Food Programme (WFP) in Kenya through an innovation hub and seek to strengthen green components in all humanitarian responses. CARE is curious to understand and get an outside perspective on our current climate portfolio, extracting lessons and enabling learning for all programme stakeholders.

The programme review should answer questions related to both programme design and implementation, and document how the innovation approach contributes to climate resilience by developing and promoting climate-smart solutions that are locally-owned and scalable beyond the aid sector. Findings from the review will be used to inform the application for a future round of the SPA as well as late-stage implementation.
The review should rely on qualitative data collection with key programme stakeholders, social actors and end-users and draw on research and best practices from the wider sector.

CARE Denmark, seeks an experienced consultant or team of consultants that are keen on approaching interventions from a different perspective, taking into consideration the less linear life cycle of innovation in which results, changes, and practices materialise differently than conventional development programmes.

Estimated days for contract: 40-60 days

Timing: October 2024- January 2025 (tentative)

See Terms of Reference (ToR) for the full scope of the review, including review questions, deliverables, and suggested timeline.

Terms of Reference: Programme Review of the Strategic Partnership Agreement with Danida